Friday, May 30, 2008

Reflective writing.ext

I felt that too much information on a powerpoint was unnecessary and cluttered. I therefore kept my writing on the powerpoint presentation to a minimum. This then, is a more in depth extension to my reflective writing.
What does digital literacy mean to me? I saw comparisons to the lecture series this semester on 'Art & Change' where we looked at early 16th century exploration of the West into the East.
This was a time of discovery and in writing my essay, I was able to take advantage of internet based research when looking at sites from the Netherlands. The 'translate this page' option was a valuable resource for my study.
From the 16th century to the 21st century we are still on a journey of discovery, this time in a digital world. 2001 A Space Odyssey comes to mind, where I recall the ape discovering a tool as a means to survive. From a pile of bones we have now moved on to the computer as a means to survive our few years of art school practice.
My time-based movie looks at the origins of childhood drawing of stick figures progressing into an infinite digital world. This is how I see digital literacy. It is sublime. Digital literacy is a place of mystical vastness and infinite unknowing. I refer here to: “A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origins of Beauty and the Sublime” by Edmund Burke.
"Let the awe and mystery of a journey unlike any other begin!"

Monday, May 26, 2008

Image 4 powerpt

Author: Chelle from morguefile

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Jewellery Exhibition

This is a sample of the jewellery I've been working on for this semester leading up to the exhibition next week. To see more come to the show!  Details at handled

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Monday, May 19, 2008


I have created a blog for our Year 2 Ceramics and Jewellery show titled "handled"

Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday, May 9, 2008


Author: Kevin Rosseel

Author - anon

I have chosen to use images from

About this site:
The idea to build the web's morguefile was conceived by Michael Connors as a college student in 1996. It is currently a collaborative effort between brothers Kevin and Michael Connors who own and maintain the world wide web's morguefile. 
This site is dedicated to the Connors family. Dorothy, Dennis and Jean Marie Connors who are deceased. Dennis and Dorothy Connors were special education teachers who devoted their lives to educating children with special needs and behavioral disorders. In utilizing this web site, you help us honor the memory of our parents and sister.
Michael Connors is a multi-media artist at Grey Interactive in NYC. Kevin Connors is a special education teacher and part time photographer living in Clifton, NJ.
The morguefile contains photographs freely contributed by many artists to be used in creative projects by visitors to the site. To acknowledge the artist's accomplishments, we ask that you credit the photographer when possible.

A nice gesture which I'm happy to support!

Another image for my time-based piece this time from