Case study 1
George Harrison vs The Chiffons
My score was 3 x 4 and 3 x 1 so a pretty even contest. As I'm no copyright expert I guess I have to leave the decision to the professionals! I think there would generally be a different audience that each song would appeal to.
Case study 2
Lebbeus Woods vs 12 Monkeys
Yes there is definitely a similarity between the chairs.
The judge ruled for Woods, a result that would require Universal Studios pull all copies of the movie from world-wide circulation after only a month's run. Showing that he had a sense of humor, Lebbeus Woods allowed Universal to continue distribution of the movie, chair and all, for a high six-figure cash settlement!
A similar outcome regarding the art on the tshirt case would have been good to see, instead of bullying tactics from a large company.
Case study 3
Oh so criminal
I thought this was a clever way to get the message, albeit illegal, about 'fair use' across to a wider audience that would appreciate his views and in a language that is more accessible too! I guess it would be considered a parody, therefore does not infringe any copyright laws.
As for flickr, incredibly slow and frustrating broadband at home today so it will have to wait.
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