I felt that too much information on a powerpoint was unnecessary and cluttered. I therefore kept my writing on the powerpoint presentation to a minimum. This then, is a more in depth extension to my reflective writing.
What does digital literacy mean to me? I saw comparisons to the lecture series this semester on 'Art & Change' where we looked at early 16th century exploration of the West into the East.
This was a time of discovery and in writing my essay, I was able to take advantage of internet based research when looking at sites from the Netherlands. The 'translate this page' option was a valuable resource for my study.
From the 16th century to the 21st century we are still on a journey of discovery, this time in a digital world. 2001 A Space Odyssey comes to mind, where I recall the ape discovering a tool as a means to survive. From a pile of bones we have now moved on to the computer as a means to survive our few years of art school practice.
My time-based movie looks at the origins of childhood drawing of stick figures progressing into an infinite digital world. This is how I see digital literacy. It is sublime. Digital literacy is a place of mystical vastness and infinite unknowing. I refer here to: “A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origins of Beauty and the Sublime” by Edmund Burke.
"Let the awe and mystery of a journey unlike any other begin!"